1. Rank men's and womens teams separately (if applicable).
2a. Give the team you feel will have the most wins a 12 and the least wins a 1. You must rank
the eventual relegation winner as one team.
2b. Your score is determined by multiplying the ranking by the number of wins during the round
robin, and adding them up... PLUS 6 points if your top-ranked team wins the final, 3 points
if your top-ranked team loses the final, or 1 point if your top ranked team places 3rd in the playoffs.
The playoff points are for your top-ranked team ONLY. No points for your 2nd, 3rd, or lower ranked
teams making the playoffs.
3. Entry fee is $10.
4. Payout for each will be: 1st - 60%, 2nd - 30%, 3rd - 10%. $10 will go to a person who
gets last place alone, if they finish above Lady Random. The $10 will be taken off the
total prize money before the above percentages are calculated. In the case of 40 or more
entries, the prize money will be 1st - 50%, 2nd - 25%, 3rd 15%, 4th - 10%.
5. Results are based on round robin and playoffs only... tiebreakers are not included.
6. Entry fee must be in my hands (or one of my associates) before the start of the 1st draw.
7. You may email, fax, phone, drop-off, or use whatever method you wish to get your picks to me
but they will not be accepted after the start of the first draw.
8. I will pick my rankings and email them to someone else before looking at any of your picks.
9. I will post everyones rankings on this page after they are all received.
10. Keep this page bookmarked for updates and results.
11. Ties: If there is a tie for 1st or 2nd the prize money will be split equally. If there is a tie
for 3rd place only, the tie will be broken to determine who will get 3rd place alone. To break
the tie the top ranked teams for each person in the tie will be looked at. First of all, person
with the top-ranked team that does better in the playoffs will be awarded 3rd place. After
that the head to head round robin records will be taken into account.
For example, if person A ranked Sask as 12 and person B ranked Manitoba as 12, then
if Sask beat Man in the round robin person A would get 3rd place. If they both had the same
team ranked as 12, then you would look at who they ranked 11, then 10, etc.
If more than 2 people are tied for third, then the same scheme is used but you may have to
eliminate people one by one. For example, if person A and B picked Sask as 12, and person
C picked Man as 12, then if Sask beat Man in the round robin person C is eliminated and we
look at who A and B rated as 11. If Manitoba beat Sask in the round robin then person C would
get 3rd place.
I hope that made sense to you, it does to me. If you want more explanation please let me know.
12. No entry will be accepted after the start of the first draw.